
Showing posts from March, 2020

Origami Cranes

We tried to copy Mrs Campbell's class and make origami cranes. It was harder than it looked! Well done to Mirren, Lacey and Neieve who had a super growth mindset and saw it through to the end!

Active Spelling


Japan Presentations

We have been working over the past few days with a partner, creating a presentation on Japan. Today, half of the class presented their slides. Can't wait to hear the rest!

Sport Relief

Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Primary 4/5 who ran a mile and a half for Sport Relief (that's 10 laps round the playground at the back of the school!)

We're Famous

Keep your eyes peeled in the next few weeks as Primary 4/5 and Mrs Thomas will be in the Clydebank Post!

Bronze Chart

Congratulations to all of the children in Primary 4/5 as they have all finished their bronze chart! Children receive boxes on their chart for putting in their best effort in class. To complete the bronze chart, children have to get 20 boxes! We are now ready for the challenge of silver award which is 25 boxes!

Louay's Animation

In Future Friday this afternoon, Louay made his own animation using just a whiteboard and pen! Check it out!

World Book Day 2020

Our class dressed up today as their favourite book character for World Book Day. Take a look at some of our wonderful costumes! 

Origami Cats

This afternoon Miss Campbell taught the class all about origami. They then had a shot at making an origami cat!